सोमवार, सितंबर 04, 2006

Extra Marital Affair

Extra marital affairs, sounds an entertaining cocktail for any gossip party of high society or a spicy dish for the neighbors to chat upon for hours standing in their backyards.

Recently I saw a hindi movie kabhi alvida na kehna it also throws light on extra marital affairs but to my surprise at the end there was a happy ending(as claimed at the end of the movie) with successful extra marital affairs broken marriages and single mother with kid.
All of sudden an old movie of sanjeev Kumar’s pati patni aur woh popped up in my mind which gave the message that family is precious than anything in life and nothing on earth can come in between of that. Marriage is an important institution in life. Marriage is no infatuation it is hardcore reality of life which should not be fantasized. It should be dealt with open mind. Entering this institution means responsibility, commitment, sacrifice and patience. Can you just walk away because you don’t find any spice in it, and now you are attracted to something else out of your relationship? What will happen when one day spice of this new relationship will come to an end, then search of some new spice outside the relationship? It is like an ongoing cycle which has no open strings. Instead of all this melodrama and intense search of the perfect relationship just give chance to the present relationship. With little sacrifice and some effort it will work and will be around the perfect one you were searching with of course less drama and no tension. This recipe works when the efforts are from both the side. Where are we leading with these important facets of our life why we always look for some space to get rid of burdens in life why don’t we just find solution to them? Why it has to be always run away or step away from the situations? It’s very easy to lead simple life rather then a complex load of burdens and stress.

3 टिप्पणियाँ:

यहां बुधवार, सितंबर 06, 2006 11:06:00 pm, Anonymous बेनामी ने कहा…

Thanks for sharing your blog. Very well done Priya. I am going to post my thoughts here. As you suggested, it is a two sided effort. Both partied need to develop a passion for being together, otherwise one end continues to burn till it is all gone. So it is not what to do when the spice is gone, but more important is to understand why spice goes away and how to prevent a relationship from going south.

Rahiman dhaga prem ka, mat toro chatkaye. Toote se phir na jure, jure gaanth par jaye.

यहां शुक्रवार, मई 04, 2007 10:51:00 am, Blogger david santos ने कहा…

Thanks for you work and have a good weekend

यहां बुधवार, मई 27, 2009 11:05:00 pm, Blogger अनिल कान्त ने कहा…

a nice post...i like ur thoughts


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